miércoles, 22 de diciembre de 2010

Subliminal messages: worldwide success

Today more and more worldwide people are using subliminal messages to improve their lives and to achieve all the goals that they have. The system is very easy: use subliminal audio, subliminal videos, subliminal audio cds and all kinds of subliminal media as a subliminal self help.
The messages work by repeating positive affirmations and picturing the life you want and desire.
Once you have tried this, you’ll see it will be the answer to reach the future goals you once planned. 

Subliminal audio treatments for panic attacks and anxiety.

Panic attacks happen more and more often these days for many people. It doesn’t matter what your age, your nationality, or anything about your personal background.
This disease is mental. And the good part of it is that you can treat it in the same way it’s shown: subconsciously.
Here is where subliminal messages get in. They work transforming your mind and making the anxiety attacks disappear. It isn’t easy, but not impossible. Just get the correct media to do it and you’ll see the results in a very short time. You can use subliminal audio cds, subliminal videos and any other way of positive affirmations.

Subliminal Advertising – The Lowdown

If your interested in learning more aboutSubliminal Advertising – The Lowdown. Then check our complete Advertisingsection.

Due to the complexity of the human mind, it has various levels of consciousness: the state of dreaming, conscious-rational and lastly the subconscious level. This last level is one which is incapable of logic or reasoning abilities, and cannot differentiate between what is real and what is fictional.

Subliminal messages sent into the subconscious mind provide it with the basis to grow the message into reality. It is a form of controlling your thoughts, as there is a link of communication between the subconscious and the conscious mind, allowing it to affect each other. Hence, there has been much controversy surrounding the usage of these subliminal messages, as hidden persuasive messages have been used to manipulate the audience. This has been especially noted in commercials and advertising, and in rock music. There has been much criticism on the use of insidious subliminal messages to increase profits.

Subliminal messages used in advertising or subliminal advertising, are usually in the form of brief visual or audio messages that your mind does not consciously register what it has seen or heard. There is usually a less than 25% chance that the message will be picked up by the conscious, and is used to provide stimulus for action.

Subliminal advertising does exist. However, very few marketing agencies endeavor to insert such messages due to the powerful impact that they can exert on the audience, which would result in overwhelming negative press that would be received if the subliminal message was detected. This outweighs any potential benefit that the subliminal advertising may bring.

According to an April 2006 issue of the New Scientist, research has proven that subliminal advertising messages do work, under the right conditions. The researchers also found that priming only works when the prime is goal-relevant. In plain English, this means you’re likely to buy a product that quenches your thirst only if you were already thirsty anyway. Subliminal messages are thus more useful in priming a target audience to choose one brand over another, rather than in creating an actual need for the product.

Whilst it is not yet sufficiently proven that the brief subliminal messages can affect your behavior without your awareness of it, it is still debatable if subliminal advertising can be more effective than normal means of promotional communications which people are consciously aware of.

Greg Frost is a leading innovator in the field of subliminal technology and the director ofhttp://www.chargedaudio.com which specializes providing a whole range of subliminal cdsfor self improvement . Grab your free “Ultimate Success Unleashed” Subliminal Cd today at http://www.chargedaudio.com/freesubliminal.html

I always thought of subliminal as a bad word, a word related to negative. But after I read this article, I realized that it can be used for good things. If I keep the idea that the subconscious stores and files all I dream and see, I could get good benefits out of it.

If advertisers can use this method as a sales strategy, I think I can also use it to have more confidence in myself, to lose weight, to relax, and to concentrate on all the things I want to achieve in my life.

Law of attraction – Subliminal messages

Imagine if all you ever wanted became true? Well, it’s possible. You just need to exercise your mind. The idea is to send subliminal messages to your brain. There are different ways to do it. You can use subliminal audio cds, or subliminal videos, or another way is that you create the environment for it.
The idea is that everything you think or imagine becomes true. That is the law of attraction. What you wish is what you get. So, be careful with what you desire, because it will definitely come true. So if want to be rich, just see yourself with a lot of money in your hands, or in your wallet. You have to feel the sensation of having that money and experience what you will buy and do with it.
Another thing you can do is to have pictures with the things you want or the places you’d like to visit.
It’s very simple. That’s how the law of attraction works. 

Hidden subliminal messages in cartoons, movies and advertisement

Children begin to watch television and cartoons at an early age, and as time passes they become enthusiastic viewers. So, we can use this kind of media and take good advantage of it. Remember they are the adults of the future. As our children spend most of their time in front of the TV set, we can encourage them in a subliminal way to do certain things and to educate them. Many tv shows teach them some vocabulary, way of living, way of love and many other things. So if you have any type of product you want to offer, use the available media for it. And as it happen with children it also works with adults. Subconsciously we prefer one brand of product over another one because of the subliminal messages hidden in advertisements. And it happens with all things. Use this media as a marketing source and enjoy the benefits later